Our direct trade appoach really means a sustainable and prosperous business relationship with coffee growers... and also beautiful friendships!

The manual harvesting system ensures both employment and income generation to the community, together with several benefits offered by the growers to the workers like housing, electricity, coffee, milk and social hub in most cases.
To ensure the continuity of this sustainable coffee culture our company contributes to the practice of fair prices for our partner estates and push them in a positive way for a consistent production of high quality coffees, crop after crop.
We take great pride in building close relationships with growers whose coffee production go beyond quality, offering sustainable approach to the nature and the community.
Respecting the strict Brazilian laws, our partners have important areas of preserved Atlantic Rainforest - rich of fauna, flora and full of water spring - representing at least 20% of the land. The coffee plantations are cultivated with very low chemical inputs, respecting future generations.