Estate: Fazenda do Selado
Producer: Maurício Barbosa
Origin: Volcanic Region of Poços de Caldas, Brazil
Since: 1949
Altitude: 1100m to 1250m
Harvesting System: Hand Picked
Processing: Dry Natural
Area: 62 hectares of coffee plantation
Coffee Varieties: Mundo Novo, Catuai
Social: 95 people depend directly on this estate
Environmental: 22 hectares of preserved Atlantic Rainforest
Coffee Lovers Worldwide: US, UK

José Barbosa Sobrinho started his coffee production in 1949 in one of the noblest place for coffee production within the Volcanic Region of Poços de Caldas.
Many years later, after Mr. José Barbosa passed away, his wife Augusta Barbosa de Paula led Fazenda do Selado together with one of the 4 sons, Maurício Barbosa.
Nowadays Maurício manages Fazenda do Selado with his right hand man Carlinhos, who was called to work on the farm in 2009 in order to help the family to improve the production of high quality coffees. The result is the production of around 1000 bags of specialty green coffees every year.