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Awards1st Place in regional Quality Contest in 2008 & 2019, 2nd in 2012, 3rd in 2015, 2016 & 2020. Six Medals won in the Australian and the USA Golden Bean Championships



Estate: André Sanches Estate

Producer: André Sanches & family

Origin: Volcanic Region of Poços de Caldas, Brazil

Since: 1968

Altitude: 1100m to 1200m

Harvesting System: Hand Picked

Processing: Dry Natural


Area: 167 hectares of coffee plantation


Coffee Varieties: Mundo Novo, Yellow Catuai, Red Catuai, Acaia, Catucaí and Arara


Social: 210 people depends directly on this estate, which provides School, Health Care Centre Entertainment Centre, Community Church and other benefits for the community

Environmental: 100 hectares of preserved Atlantic Rainforest

Coffee Lovers Worldwide: USA, UK, South Korea, Sweden, Russia, Lebanon, Germany, China, Chile, Canada, Brasil, Australia.

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​André Sanches comes from a humble Spanish family. Since very young he was highlighted in the management of a small farm of his father, Raphael Sanches. After years of experience in the cultivation of various crops in the Mogiana Paulista, Mr. Sanches arrived in Poços de Caldas region as an unknown in 1968 amid traditional regional families, bought an abandoned coffee plantation - his then recent passion - and led a colony workers also lacking in support and disbelief with the activity to conquer five years later the post of principal coffee grower in Pocos de Caldas 

Two of Mr. André Sanches's sons followed in his footsteps, Marco Antonio Sanches and André Sanches Júnior, having been trained in agronomy and worked for more than 35 years now in the lands of the patriarch, being today the responsibles of Andre Sanches Estate.

Mr. André Sanches and his wife Maria highleighted in a local news: "a man of an enterprising vision"
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On the left, Mr. André Sanches and his wife Maria highlighted in a regional media. Aside, Mr. Sanches honored in 2013 at Poços de Caldas Quality Contest for his contribution to the quality and sustainability of the regional coffee culture. On the right, in the health center inauguration at the farm.

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Since 2012, his grand-childs André and João Paulo started a project - with Volcano Origin Coffees - for a better quality selection of these coffees and improving the promotion of the farm and its coffees to the specialty coffee market in Brazil and worldwide.

The result is a family with a large know-how in the production of high quality coffee, with deep ties of family experience and with strong social and environmental responsibilities.

In 2013, Mr. André Sanches, with 90 years old, received the great Tribute of the regional production chain, in the occasion of the Poços de Caldas Coffee Quality Contest for his dedication and expertise in the development of the quality coffee culture in the region. ​​


After more than 50 years of experience in the consistent production of quality coffee, Andre Sanches Estate conquers new admirers of its exquisite coffees crop after crop.

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Below, a picture of the legendary mountain in Boa Vista farm - André Sanches Estate. "Local growers used to say that in this mountain behind us contains the most consistent prove of our volcanic soil quality all around Poços de Caldas region”, comments proudly Mr. André Sanches. On the top, Atlantic Rainforest and below the colonial area .

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